About Us

We are a small group of four recent graduates of, well, high school. Yes, we know we are a little young, but we are very motivated!

What Inspired This Idea?

This project was created, mostly in a day, for the TOHacks2020 virtual hackathon. We were prompted to resolve a social issue using technology, and the following social issue was one we were very aware of and affected by the homework gap. As we have shifted from in school learning to online learning due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the issue (which has always existed) of students not having equal access to technology has come to the forefront. We wanted to find a way to shrink this so-called homework gap and provide equal opportunity to all of our fellow students.

This is our solution. We have created an online tool that matches people in need of technology with people who currently have old, retired technology sitting on a shelf, which is otherwise perfectly usable, if not for it being too slow, having a limited battery capacity, or even too heavy. Oftentimes we upgrade our technology for these little reasons when the tech is still perfectly usable. Our goal is to connect people with the usable technology which has been left to die in people’s drawers, or would otherwise be sent for recycling.

And to add to the benefits, not only does this tool help close the homework gap, but it also helps the environment! Bypassing on our devices, they are able to live two lives and be used for almost twice as long, effectively halving the ecological footprint of the device. Rather than disposing of a device after a couple of years, we can simply pass it on, and allow it to keep working, and helping people until it has truly reached its limit, and stops working.

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Copyright 2020, Vithun Vigneswaran, Nanik Adnani, Ellis Sean, Dhruv Rawat

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